Sunday, October 27, 2019

Kingdom of Heaven

Pastor Matt shares about the significance of this new kingdom that believers in Jesus have entered into.

Kingdom of Heaven (Audio)
Kingdom of Heaven (Video)

October 27, 2019

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Movements 2

Pastors Matt and Suzie continue to share about movements taking place in the world and what our response should be.

Movements 2 (Audio)
Movements 2 (Video)

October, 20 2019

Sunday, October 13, 2019


Pastor Matt shares about the movement that took place in the book of Acts as believers embraced the mission of God.

Movements (Audio)
Movements (Video)

October 13, 2019

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

God's Role in the Mission

Pastor Suzie shares the story of the man with the pitcher in his hand and talks about how God goes before us to prepare the way for us to fulfill the Great Commission.

God's Role in the Mission (Audio)
God's Role in the Mission (Video)

October 9, 2019

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Launch Service - Nate and Kristen

Members of the congregation spend time honoring Pastors Nate and Kristen Barbour as they launch into a new phase of ministry in Columbia, South Carolina.

Launch Service - Nate and Kristen (Video)

October 6, 2019

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Refresh Service

During this Wednesday service, the congregation spends an extended amount of time corporately in the presence of God.

Refresh Service (Video)

October 2, 2019